* Please note that you can only be registered under one of the categories below. For example, you cannot register for Clydesdale and age group at the same time. Participants must select their category when they register. Changes cannot be made to categories once the race starts. It would not be fair to other participants if we let people change groups once the results have been posted and they had a chance to see in which category would result in a higher standing.
Professional or Age Group Elite Male and Female racers. Racers in this category start in the first wave of each event and are only eligible for Overall awards.
Athletes in this category will start in the first wave. Participants registering for the open category are only eligible for overall awards.
Age Group
Age groups for both male and female start at 12 & Under, 13-15, 16-19, then go in 5 year increments to 80+. (20-24, 25-29,...., 70-74, 75-79, 80+) By rule, athletes' age groups are determined by their age on December 31st of that year. You age up, not down. This is so that you don't change age groups in the middle of the year.
Clydesdale & Athena
USAT now only recognizes Clydesdale (Men over 220 lbs) and Athena (Women over 165 lbs).
2 or 3 person teams. Options include Male Relay, Female Relay, and Coed Relay
Awards are given 5 deep in all categories. Special recognition will be given to the Top 3 Overall Males, Top 3 Overall Females, Top Master Male (40+), and Top Master Female (40+). Those receiving overall and master awards are removed from their age groups, bumping everyone else up in the age group standings. There is no double dipping. If you qualify for overall, you cannot get another award for masters overall or your age group.
Please stay for the awards ceremony if you are due an award. Unclaimed awards may be mailed if requested within 2 weeks after the event. You must pay $9 for shipping and handling. Go to the results of your race and click Mail next to your name to request your award. There is no other option to get an unclaimed award.
Series Awards
Series points allow the athlete to accumulate equalized points for each race in the series. 100 points are given for the average time for each event. Your points will be calculated by the average field time (in seconds), multiplied by 100, then divided by your time (in seconds). If you are faster than the average field time, your points will be greater than 100. This allows for a consistent points system that isn't affected by the number of participants in a particular event or by the time of the overall winner, which can vary greatly depending on who shows up.
For the Tradewinds Trilogy Series Points Awards, racers must participate in all 3 events (same race type & category). All qualifying racer points will be tallied up after the final race and the Top 3 (male & female) Overall winners in each race type along with the Top 3 in Age Group categories will be eligible for Series Awards given after the final race in the series.

This picture goes way back to 2003. Those triangular medals were tiny, but they we made of real gold, silver, and bronze by the Keno Brothers!