USAT Rules
These are most commonly violated rules.
Variable time penalties are 2 minutes for the first offense, 4 minutes (8 total) for the second offense, and disqualification for the third.
Helmets are mandatory while riding the bike (BEFORE, DURING, and AFTER the race). Helmet must be buckled or strapped on. This is a DISQUALIFICATION penalty.
Headphones are not allowed at any time. It is a variable time penalty for Unauthorized Accessories.
No drafting will be allowed while on the bike. You must stay 3 bike lengths away from the person in front of you. You have a 15 second window to execute a pass.
Pass only on the left while on the bike.
No blocking - Stay to the right side except when passing.
Do no cross the yellow line around corners on the bike.
No outside assistance will be allowed in the transition area. You also may not have someone else pace you to the finish line on the run.
Handlebar ends must be plugged to lessen the chance of injury in a fall. This is a DISQUALIFICATION penalty. Please ask for a plug from one of the bike shop vendors.
You may not leave anything on the course (i.e. water bottles, gel wrappers, SWIM CAPS). Everything should return with you to the transition area or be disposed of at an aid station.
You must run or walk your bike out of and into the transition area. You may not ride in the transition area.
Your bike must be racked on the bike rack assigned for your race number. It must be racked either by the seat or brake levers.
You must wear your running race number on the front of your body during the run segment. Your bike number must be clearly visible at all times on your bike. You must apply the helmet number to the front of your helmet. You must also be body marked with your race number.
You MUST wear the swim cap given to you at packet pickup.
Athletes' age groups are determined by their age on December 31st of the current year.