Risk Free Registration & Transfer Policies
You can transfer between the different races at the event at any time easily by just logging into your account and making the change. See link and video below for help. You will have to pay any difference between the races if the new race is more expensive, but, sorry, no refunds are given for downgrading.
If you can't make the race for any reason, transferring is easy. You just log into your account and take race credit for your full registration fee and that credit will automatically be applied next time you register for any Integrity Multisport™ event. This is the only option for athletes that cannot make the race.
*Due to Covid-19 and to ensure that all athletes feel comfortable registering in advance, there will be no transfer fees in 2021. If you have any signs of sickness or are just uncomfortable with the current conditions at the time of an event, you can log in and take FULL credit for your registration fee towards any future Integrity Multisport event, no questions asked! This is truly RISK FREE REGISTRATION and part of our RACE OR REFUND guarantee, backed by Integrity Multisport™ Inc. Founder, Robert Childers, personally.
CLICK HERE to log into your registration account.
If you need assistance in creating an account, click on the links below for a quick how to video:
CLICK HERE for an easy how-to video on creating a registration account.
CLICK HERE for a video over-view on changing your race (triathlon to duathlon, or aquabike, etc.).
CLICK HERE for a video over-view on taking race credit to use at a future event.
CLICK HERE for a video over-view on changing your personal information (name, birthdate, etc..)
Please don't sell your race number to another athlete. There is no need as we have very flexible transfer options. If that person gets hurt, it jeopardizes our insurance policy and puts you at risk for being sued. If caught, both you and the other person will be barred from participating in any USAT sanctioned event for one year.
Event Postponement/Cancellation Policy:
If any race is postponed or cancelled because of covid, you have a choice:
- Full Refund
- Stay in the event on its new date - default choice.
- Full Race Credit towards ANY Integrity Multisport event.
- Transfer to ANY equivalent Integrity Multisport event. This is in case you got a GREAT deal by registering early!